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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Type O Negative's Peter Steele Passes Away - in Metal News ( Metal )

I still can't believe Peter Steele just died!!! Type O Negative was one of those bands that was on my wish list!! I wasn't one of the lucky ones that grew up listening to Metal of ANY sort, so I didn't get to hear his awesome voice until years later. I soooo wanted them to decide to tour one last time.... well, that's not happening. Wish I could see them in a holographic concert...I'd pay!

Peter Steele Pictures, Images and Photos

Type O Negative's Peter Steele Passes Away - in Metal News ( Metal )

Hellyeah To Release New Album In 2010 - in Metal News ( Metal )

Hmmm....must look into this!!

Hellyeah To Release New Album In 2010 - in Metal News ( Metal )

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wired Live Shut Down?? Is an Eviction Next?

The venue formally known as The Meridian is just a "tad" behind in the rent!!! Doors were locked and "notices" were left on the doors and around the premises letting the world know that Anosh Ahmed and/or Chartres Entertainment, apparently the tenant, was being locked out due to arrears in rent. Boy, that sucks! The amount? Oh, just $51,000!! Mega WOW! I hope they let everyone that's been booked know!

Oh, and funny observation: whoever typed up the notice didn't do such a great job.  Maybe their spell check was turned off. Looks like it was "one of those days".  The notice was a bit hard to understand.  Reading it definitely made you want to scratch your head.

 Maybe we are WAY off here and interpreted the notice wrong. Hmmm....  Well, one thing is for sure, someone owes $51,000 and the Wired Lived is looking like it's closed temporarily. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds!

One Meridian door.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Engine Room's engine to to start up again!!

So, yea, the Engine Room will get another breath of life! Only this time, it will be called Warsaw. General Manager, Mike Kelley, of the venue formally known as The Meridian (now called Wired Live) will be revamping The Engine Room.

Kelley's On Stage Events will still produce occasional shows at Wired, he added, as well as Rudyard's, Mango's, Walter's on Washington and Warehouse Live. He's also taken over the booking at Numbers. Wow! This guy is on fire! I'd love to be him!

numbers myspace.jpg
For full story Story by Chris Gray of the Houston Press

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Early Kurt Cobain Demos Found At Garage Sale | CHARTattack

Wow! Sixteen years later, Kurt Cobain is still alive! Someone found some tapes with the initials KDC in black marker on them at a garage sale. They have been confirmed to be authentic. It's interesting that although they didn't quite have the sound that he developed later, there are some things that are definitely Cobain-ish......anyway, here's the article if you'd like to have a read.

Early Kurt Cobain Demos Found At Garage Sale | CHARTattack