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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bullet For My Valentine- Your Betrayal (Live)

Awesome concert! The energy was intense at The Warehouse Live. The mosh pit came to life. It moved back and forth, up and down... metalheads body surfed to their little hearts content. I thought it was pretty cool that the bouncers were really involved with the crowd. They were helping the body surfers down at the stage and even spraying water on the sweaty, metal loving sea of BFMV fans! God knows you need some cooling off at a concert when everyone is jumping up and down, throwing the metal fist up and belting out every word at the top of their lungs......ah, good times!!



Monday, September 13, 2010

Architecture Firm Survives the Housing Bust By Getting Lean, Green, and Senior

When the going get tough, the tough definitely get going! These harsh economic times sure make us rethink our strategies. A lot of us have to restructure ourselves to accommodate change. We have to get creative and find niches that hadn't been looked at before. Such is the case with this architecture firm. They are specializing in the senior citizen market. They are taking the nursing homes' institution feel and turning into top of the line luxury living. Seniors can live it up with fancy micro-McMansion style-living. Among the features are: manicured landscaped exteriors, marble, granite counters, high end appliances inside and elegant dining rooms. Finally, a place where seniors will feel happy living out the rest of their years in style.

Architecture Firm Survives the Housing Bust By Getting Lean, Green, and Senior

Wendy Garcia

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Get your home in gear for the Fall!

Don't you just LOVE the fall?? I know I do! I want to see some leaves changing color and the air crisp up. Don't know how long it will take here in Houston to start seeing Fall-ish changes....but here are a few that you can make in your home, in case fall doesn't get here until December! You KNOW how that goes!!!

Whether you plan to winterize your home, tackle weekend home improvement projects, decorate for fall or prepare to buy or sell a home, you will find expert tips at

Houston Rockin Agent
Wendy Garcia